Participant Burden in DCT: Understanding the drivers to reduce cost

A recent qualitative analysis study of stakeholder views about participant recruitment, retention, and adherence in decentralised clinical trials (DCTs) published by the Trials@Home project consortium, showed that in contrast to conventional trials, DCTs are perceived as requiring greater emphasis on communication, and contact and the perceived burden was seen as a barrier to recruitment and influencing retention and adherence.

To help teams/organizations better understand the cost of patient burden and its impact on study budgets, factoring in third party provider logistics, we're making our DCT costing model available (free) to all members. The tool shows how reducing patient burden combined 'with optimized operational logistics translates to huge costs and time savings.
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We will continue to improve the tool and we welcome your feedback and comments.

#TrialValueDCT, #TrialCostlogistics #ReducePatientBurden